e-SIM Connect is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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e-SIM Connect
10 - 11 November 2020
Virtual EventOnline
10 - 11 November 2020
Virtual Event,

e-SIM Connect is now a virtual event

Shape the Future of Embedded Connectivity

Driving eSIM Adoption across IoT and Consumer Devices

Are you a registered attendee at e-SIM Connect?

You can access the agenda sessions you attended for 30 days after the event. To access the e-SIM Connect Virtual Event Platform, please take the following steps:

  • Check your inbox and spam folders - your logins have come from e-SIM Connect, email address hello@swapcard.com
  • If you can't find your logins, please visit https://app.swapcard.com/event/e-sim-connect and click 'Send me a Magic Link'
  • You will receive a link to access the platform. Please note, the email might come from e-SIM Connect with subject line 'Magic sign-in link'. If the problem persists, please email support@swapcard.com for further assistance.

For any questions, email the team at mvnos.series@informa.com.

e-SIM Connect in numbers


Industry Experts Speaking


Senior Executives in Attendance


Countries in Attendance

Key Topics for 2020


What is are the direct and indirect benefits of eSIM in handsets, wearables and laptops?


Find out how car manufacturers can get greater control over their network, as well as the benefit on programmes such as CV2X.


How does the use case for embedded connectivity differ across transportation and healthcare? Where are the biggest opportunities and which verticals are more primed for eSIM?

10 - 11 November 2020
Virtual Event,

Do you work at an enterprise?

For the first time ever, we are offering enterprises a free pass to attend the event!

Explore how eSIM can play into your business' digital transformation strategy at the event this year and book your free pass today.

Have you attended a virtual event before?

Here's a quick guide of what to expect when you login to the virtual event: AI-powered matchmaking, scheduled meetings, building your own personalized agenda, the virtual expo and many other cutting-edge digital features.

10 - 11 November 2020
Virtual Event,

Networking opportunities

Find out how you can make those business critical partnerships at this year's event.

Take advantage of our digital opportunities

Download our Digital Opportunities Brochure today and find out how we can help you:

  • Maximise your brand reach
  • Amplify your message
  • Generate new business with our
  • Global community reach of +50,000,000