Africa Tech Festival 2024 – The Home of AfricaCom, AfricaTech & AfricaIgnite is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067.

Africa Tech Festival 2024 – The Home of AfricaCom, AfricaTech & AfricaIgnite
Event dates: 11-14 Nov 2024
Exhibition Opening Dates: 12 - 14 Nov 2024Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town
Event dates: 11-14 Nov 2024
Exhibition Opening Dates: 12 - 14 Nov 2024,
Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town

Virtual Exhibitor Manual

We are delighted to welcome you to the Virtual Africa Tech Festival 2021. This page includes all the information you should need to prepare. If you have any questions, please contact your logistics manager. Please ensure you read each section carefully and meet the required deadlines. We look forward to working with you and making this a successful event!



18th October - Go live for exhibitors to set up booths/profiles

(the rest of the platform will be hidden from you at this point)

Week of 25th October - Go live for attendees

(to start networking and bookmark conference sessions)

LIVE EVENT - Monday 8th November - Friday 12th November

90 days post-event – Platform closes for networking and viewing On Demand content


You will need the below items prepared for your virtual booth when the platform opens:

  • Company logo: 400x200px (2:1 ratio), no larger than 1MB
  • Header Image: 1200x675px (16:9 ratio), no larger than 1MB
  • Header Video link: Upgraded and Premium booths only - This can be a live or pre-recorded video, hosted on Youtube or Vimeo. This video will play, muted, at the top of your booth’s page. Suggested video length should be no more than three minutes.
  • Company Description: There is no official word limit for this but we suggest up to 100 words.
  • Welcome message: Add a welcome message to encourage any booth visitors to send a message or book a meeting with you!
  • Content uploads: These can be in the form of any URL, or the following file types can be uploaded directly into the system: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .png or .jpg.
  • Product Gallery Uploads (limit of 5). The product gallery is viewable by all attendees via the homepage and is another opportunity to showcase your products and services! Through this list attendees can view your items, place them on a wishlist, and view your linked company profile. The items you can upload are: Video, Webinar, Whitepapers, Report, EBook, Case Study, Podcast. Don’t forget a short description and corresponding image for maximum visibility!

You and your team will be able to upload all of the above items directly to your exhibitor profile, but if you have any questions or require assistance please don’t hesitate to let us know.


You will shortly receive a separate email from our registration system Visit by GES with the link to register your passes.

We recommend registering your exhibit staff as soon as possible. Please ensure your other team members are registered by Monday 25th October as the platform will go live in that week to network with attendees!


Sponsor/Exhibitor Pass - This is a FULL ACCESS pass enables the registrant to access the conference sessions and virtual exhibition.

Speaker Pass – Any speaker will be automatically registered for a full access pass. This will not be taken from your pass allocation and you DO NOT need to register the speaker separately.

VIP areas will be open only to certain predetermined individuals as contracted.

CLICK HERE for pass registration instructions


Africa Tech Fest runs on Swapcard – an industry-leading virtual event engagement platform, powered by artificial intelligence.

The platform goes live to exhibitors on Monday 12th October to ensure you have enough time to complete your profiles and familiarize yourself with the system, ahead of opening to attendees for networking in the week of 26th October. You will receive a welcome email directly from Swapcard once this is live. Our team will be on hand through the whole process to ensure you get the best experience possible!


You will receive an email from with a log in link. If you are the primary contact, your account has already been pre-created by the Africa Tech Festival team. If you haven't received this email, please contact your operations manager or for assistance.

*These emails may arrive in your junk/spam folder

Once your account is set up, you can access your account from

Note: if you have forgotten your password after entering your email, click send me a magic link. You’ll receive an email from to reset your password, with the subject line ‘Magic sign-in link’.


Before and during the event, sponsors and exhibitors will have access to the Exhibitor Center within the platform. Here, you can upload content to your stand, edit company details and much more! For detailed information on the Exhibitor Center and how to use it, please see the following link:


Please see the below link for guidance on how to fully utilise the platform. Through this guide you will be able to understand the below and more:

  • How to navigate within the platform
  • How to sort attendees and matchmaking
  • How to send meeting request and organise video meetings & calls


Please see below for our recommendations on how to get the most out of your Virtual Event.

Before the event
1. Edit your profile and your company profile
2. Connect with qualified attendees
3. Send your first few meeting requests
4. Answer your first few meeting requests

During the event
1. Network and make connections
2. Note & tag your new contacts
3. Chat with them in the app
4. Monitor your profile notifications

After the event
1. Ensure a follow up with your new contacts
2. Export your contact list
3. Qualify your leads for better ROI